Robot Directed Drawing FREEBIE

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.!Robot Directed Drawing FREEBIE! Just in case you are experiencing withdrawals from directed drawings since I am busy at work. I have a directed drawing for you to get you through!
ROBOT Directed Drawing!  Find it {HERE}  (Video Below)
 In other news, my year-long direct drawing pack is coming along nicely!  My thought is to finish all of April and May plus a part of August’s drawings now… complete with easy to follow instruction pages, video tutorials, and photo examples of completed drawings.  I would list it in the next week or two so that those of you that need it for the remainder of this year can purchase it at a discounted price.  Then I will treat it as a growing bundle where I will add the rest of the months over the summer and each time, the price will increase.  That’s what I am thinking right now… If I try to complete the entire year, it will probably be summer before I can get it all together =( so the growing idea seems like a better option =)
There is a video tutorial, but before you watch it, keep in mind that I am at home and the quality isn’t great, but I think it is better than nothing, right?? lol Robot Directed Drawing FREEBIE tutorial below!
Hint: If you watch it full screen, it is easier to see =)

If you are looking for a high interest pack for your students, check out my Shark Close Read...your boys will love it =)
Find it {HERE} on TpT
Hope you have a great week.  We’ve been off for Spring Break and although it’s been a tough week, I’ve enjoyed some of the time I have gotten to enjoy being with my kids =) Like close reads? See my penguin close read HERE!


  1. Seriously, Jennifer! You ROCK! My kids and I have THE best time with your directed drawings! Thanks for sharing your awesomeness and creativity with the artistically challenged! 🙂


  2. Do you do the drawing step by step with the kids by showing the steps or reading directions? Love what kids create!

    Love your Shark Close Reading packet! Goes well with my Ocean themed class and I would LOVE to do a "Shark Week" unit.

    Quick Question: Where do you go to get real life images in your packet? (Is it free for commercial use?)

    Fishing for Education Blog

  3. I did the directed drawing last year in my class and my students loved it! I would love to show them the video this year remotely and have them do it over Zoom. However, I am not sure how to view the video. I don’t see where to click to get to the video… maybe I am blind…sorry!

    1. The video is on page 5 where it says “HERE”,…click on the word and it will take you to the video. Hope that helps!

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