New Years Resolutions! Techno Style Linky

I am linking up with Growing Kinders and her friends to share some of my resolutions in the new year concerning Technology.  I will be honest, I have a lot!
My first issue I have is that my Smart Board (which I LOVE) is too high for my Kinders to use and manipulate.  I really need to get a bench for them to stand on…problem solved. (I hope)  
The other thing I need to work on is the iPad that I so wonderfully won from Lysol….I have apps added to it, but really need to get it in rotation during stations.  So far, my own personal kids have been testing out the apps and these are the ones they are crazy about and that I can’t wait for my Kinders to try:
 Love the books by CTP?  
This app is awesome AND FREE until January 31st!
Shape-O is great for early learners:
 Howie Find Vowel is super fun!
Feed Me is probably my kids’ favorite so far:
 Meet Millie is too cute, too!
 And of course Letter School is a must for any early learners out there.


    1. That is a great idea! We do have one in our school, but the likely hood of them fitting me into their schedule is doubtful and I would have to pay. But it may be worth it!!

  1. Hi Jennifer,

    A dad made a little "stage" for our smartboard. The kids love it. If they can not reach something they just use a pointer. If you want them to write something with the pointer take a pen off the tray.


  2. We got a family iPad for Christmas! I will have to check those apps out! I love the "stage" idea! Maybe a local Lowe's or Home Depot would help "donate" the wood? Couldn't hurt to ask! And I just read your melted snowman post – super super cute! šŸ™‚
    Crayons and Curls

  3. I have 3 iPads and my kids love using them. To help with rotations, I encourage the kids to use them as soon as they unpack and up until the point that Morning Meeting starts. I get through almost the whole class in one week JUST during unpacking time. It's about a 20-minute period so it's a nice chunk of time. I have the rotation list right with them so they know who gets them the following day.

    The only thing I had to work on was getting the other kids to stop gawking and unpack and go about their business. So, between centers and the time in the morning, I seem to rotate through the class twice a week and I have 21 kids. (I use different rotation lists to keep it fair/organized.)

    Good luck!


  4. Just found your blog and website and seriously laughed out loud, bc I'm Miss White too!!! Never met another teacher with my last name, although I know it's a fairly common name. I just started blogging about a year ago and I'm still learning, can't wait to tell my class that I found another Miss White!

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