Women’s History Month Directed Drawings

March is Women’s History Month and what better way to celebrate and study women than to add directed drawings to your study? As you know, I love directed drawings. They are great for listening and following directions, as well as, art in general being super important. Find my latest pack HERE on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Included in the pack:
- Amelia Earhart
- Frida Kahlo
- Rosa Parks
- Betsy Ross
- Helen Keller
- Bessie Coleman
- Mahalia Jackson
- Susan B. Anthony
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Harriet Tubman
- Sally Ride
- Ruby Bridges
- Sacagawea
- Marie Curie
- Sonia Sotomayor
- Katherine Johnson
- Malala Yousafzai

I tried to include women from a wide array of professions. time periods, and ethnicities along with women that are often topics in early childhood. Of course there are many worthy women, but I couldn’t include them all since I barely finished this pack with these 17! (insert smiley face) Why do I love directed drawings? Click HERE for more info!

Why this came about…
Have you ever had something you start working on and then you stop? And then you begin working again and then you stop? Well, this is that project for me. This idea started in 2017 when I had a conversation with my sweet friend Christina ( Miss Decarbo) and I was asking her about ideas for directed drawings. I left after presenting at that conference totally inspired and motivated- women’s rights are vitally important to all of us, because they are PEOPLE’S rights!
I began this pack and that’s where it ended. A year or so later I began again and sketched out all the women I thought would be right to include. And then I stopped. Life took over once again and I let that folder sit. Fast forward to last year and I began work again and stopped a couple of times (mostly during PD that I found less than helpful). 2020 is the year for me to finish what I have started. Here we are: Women’s History Month Directed Drawings.

See more about this pack on Teachers Pay Teachers