Turtle Close Read FREEBIE

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Turtle Close Read FREEBIE

I have a couple of fun things to share today. One is the turtle close read that I just finished using with my students. Last week, in amongst robots, our field trip, and all the other things we pack into a typical week. Β My kids are fascinated by turtles and had a great time learning more about them.

This free pack has everything you need to closely study turtles, even the informational reading passage. With younger students, I read the passage with them and with older students, it is independent reading. “Close Reading” means the reader refers back to the passage to pull out information. They often marking the useful text in some way.

This free pack has everything you need to closely study turtles, even the informational reading passage. With younger students, I read the passage with them and with older students, it is independent reading. “Close Reading” means the reader refers back to the passage to pull out information, often marking the useful text in some way.
turtle nonfiction unit
Close reading is an interaction that involving observation and interpretation between the reader and a text. Emphasis is on rereading and reflecting to come to new conclusions and understandings about the ideas that a text provides.
Timothy Shanahan defines close reading as β€œan intensive analysis of a text in order to come to terms with what it says, how it says it, and what it means.”
This pack contains everything you need for your very own turtle close read!
Turtle Close Read FREEBIE
You can get your Turtle Close Read FREEBIE {here} on TpT.

Morning Work

But before you go, I want to share with you something I just finished to help me get through the last 2 weeks of school…which we all know can be brutal. =)
 It is an End of the Year Survival Pack that includes morning work and activities for the last 2 weeks of school.  There is also has a memory book and goes along with my Back to School Survival Pack.  It is primarily for first, but I’ve included the themed pages for Kinder.  2nd in case someone can use them! (not all morning work pages are shown)
I’ll be sharing pictures of this pack later and also finishing up my ROBOT pack soon!
The School’s Out for Summer Survival Pack can be found {here} on TpT and is on SALE for the next day or so!  If you want a chance to win it, leave a comment below!


    1. I had one more question that I forgot to ask, where do you get the beautiful real life pictures that you use for your TPT projects? I saw that the photos were credited on the bottom, but I'm unsure of where you can get these photos that allow commercial use. Any information on this would be helpful, thank you!!!

    2. Hi Mrs B! The photos I used for this free product are from WikiCommons (share) and are Ok to use since it is free and educational as long as I credit the photographer. Graphics for commercial use can be purchased from sites like Graphic Stock (they usually have a free 7 day trial) and ShutterStock (my favorite) Hope that helps!!

  1. We have so much to do in the last 23 days. This looks amazing! Thanks for the turtle close read…We are studying them next week. πŸ™‚ jmcpang78 at gmail.com

  2. I would love to win this pack! Sadly, I would have plenty of time to use it, as we don't finish till June 6.

    tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com

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