The Mitten Freebies and Links

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Today we did a mini-unit on The Mitten by Jan Brett, one of my favorites!  I did some investigating and found some things online to include with the book and made some of my own (all shared below).  
First off, we read the book and I added a copy of it to our reading station along with picture cards to review the story order….  Found Here from Creating and Teaching.
We cut out and decorated our own mittens, but I forgot to take pictures of those!
Here is a freebie I have for writing:
Students worked in pairs to label pages from my Label It The Mitten Pack!

We also used these stamps here (another freebie) to recreate the story order on sentence strips.
Another great idea was found at Swamp Frog First Graders.  My kids loved spinning the spinner and recording the outcomes.  Too much fun!
We also made The Mitten books from Jamie Mayas found here:
And the cute writing activity found here from Under the Alphabet Tree
The kids also got to sort animals into either animals from the book or not from the book, found here by Pre-K Pages.

It was a busy day!  We also started subtraction!  Eek!
OH….AND Little Miss Kindergarten has a new Mitten Pack that is on my wish list, too!


  1. Thank you thank you for posting all this! I have been wanting to do a Mitten mini-unit and haven't had the time/energy to research it! So thanks 🙂

  2. What fun activities! I looove the mitten and so do the kids. Thank you so very much for sharing your fantastic ideas and freebie 🙂

  3. We are doing a Jan Brett week too! We just concentrated on The Mitten and The Hat. This was a short week for my kiddos as they came back Tuesday while I came back Monday so we didn't want to start a new regular lesson straight off. I have loved it! I wish I had trolled around to find great resources like you did but I think keeping it simple for me this time was still a good thing. I'll be blogging about how our week went as well. Glad y'all had fun!

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