Soft Dice Sentence Builder Station
Soft Dice Sentence Builder Station: My kiddos have moved beyond abc’s and simply blending sounds. They are ready to start building and reading sentences. I created a literacy activity using soft dice to motivate and entertain my students. The sentences they build are simple to read and can be silly. I also included color mats that correspond with the correct order of the sentence. The color of the trim matches the mat. For advanced students, don’t include the mats. You can find the Sentence Builder Pack on TpT.

Kids work alone or in groups to roll the three dice. They put the dice in an order that makes sense or matches the color 1,2,3 mats. Next they write the sentence that was built onto the recording page.

If you’re looking for the soft dice, you can find them here: (affl link)

I also added recording pages, one full page and another that’s half page in my Soft Dice Sentence Builder Station.

My kids LOVE the station, kid tested- kid approved! Find it here. Here is a blog post about another literacy station idea using light tables: HERE.