Jumping Frog Measurement {FREEBIE}

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So as many of you know, I had to have our Valentine’s Day activities yesterday due to snow and Dr. visits…it may have been late, but we still had fun!
  Have you ever seen those little plastic jumping frogs?  Well, I impulsively bought them (6 for $1) and came up with a cute idea for extending our measurement studies =)
I created a page specifically for Valentine’s Day, but since it’s already over, I made a generic frog version that can be used any time of year.  I also left the unit of measurement open, completely up to you =)  You can have your students use cubes, rulers, paper clips, etc to measure the distance that the frogs “jump”.
My kids had so much fun!
A couple of things to note:  I had my kids begin their frog at the edge of their desks, but you could also put a piece of tape on the floor for a starting point.  I also discussed with them ahead of time how we don’t move the frog until AFTER we measure and that before we “jump,” we make our estimate.
You can find this freebie  {HERE}
We were in a hurry, so we ended up  making these adorable monster bags to hold all our goodies…I found them at Wal-Mart in a bags of three for 97 cents!  Can’t beat that!
Oh, and I FINALLY got to wear my Valentine’s Day shirt!  Yay!
How was your Valentine’s Day?  Any other ideas for using those jumping frogs or other Dollar Store finds for Math or Measurement??  I am always looking for ideas!
Happy HUMP Day!!


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