Mother’s Day Songs

For those of us who are doing a Mother’s Day Tea or celebration, here are some songs that my firsties will sing to their moms at our tea.  Someone asked me for a copy of what we do, but I think I deleted the email… so I am hopeful she will see this post!! =)

These are not my creation and I am not sure where they were originally found, they are simply songs that were given to us to use several years ago back in the good old days when we had a music teacher.

I Really Love My Mother
(Tune: The More We Get Together the Happier We’ll Be)
I really love my mother, my mother, my mother
I really love my mother, I love her so much.
She feeds me and clothes me, she hugs me and kisses me
I really love my mother, I love her so much!

(Tune: On Top Of Old Smokey)
I’ll love you for always
I’ll love you forever
As long as I’m living
My mommy you’ll beļ»æ

Mother’s Day
(Tune: Are You Sleeping)
We love mothers, we love mothers
Yes, we do..Yes, we do
Mothers are for hugging
Mothers are for kissing
We love you…Yes, we do!

The kids do hand gestures to “act out” the hugging and kissing parts.  It is really sweet.


  1. Those are very sweet. I'll add them to my collection. We also sing this to the BINGO tune. "I have a special friend and mommy is her name-o. m o m m y, m o m m y, m o m m y and mommy is her name-o.
    ā€ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Aw cute! We just had our Volunteer Tea. I was the "babysitter" and had all sorts of kiddos in my room all afternoon while their mom's enjoyed the afternoon that celebrated them…. away from their kiddos. šŸ˜€ There were no songs, but THIS is an awesome idea.
    Dragonflies in First

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