Directed Drawings for Distance Learning
Finally there are Directed Drawings for Distance Learning! These make it easy for you since all you have to do is add the link to your Schoology course. You can also add a slide to your Google Classroom assignment. You are provided a video for each one where I am teaching the lesson as I would to my own class. Most are 1 -3 minutes. Find the pack HERE on TpT.

I tried to include drawings that would work with monthly thematic units or to go with common themes in children’s literature. You can try it for free HERE with a Splat the Cat drawing.
It is perfect to go with a Splat book like:

Basically all you have to do is use the link or slide I provide. You add it to Schoology or Google Classroom. Then students click on the safe link and watch me do the drawing. After that they add details and make it their own. My goal is to make your job easier. If you prefer my original packs, see more HERE.

Why do directed drawings?
I do directed drawings for a number of reasons. One is (obviously) it helps me meet standards for art and creativity. Some would say I am having kids create a “copy” but it lays a foundation of basic drawing steps which children will use for their own drawings. Another reason to do them is that it helps meet listening standards. Kids need to learn to follow directions, step by step. When they draw with me, they have to listen and follow directions! Learn more: HERE