No Prep Dice Game Love!
No Prep Dice Game Love! Have you heard? My students LOVE Dice games!

Earlier this year, I created a pack for the holidays and my kids went nuts. Don’t ask me why, but something about some cute clipart and fancy titles and they are IN!

I added a winter pack and just finished the Valentine’s Day Pack!
(working on a Super Heroes pack this weekend!)

See them {here} on TpT.

If your kids love them as much as mine, consider purchasing the Dice Game BUNDLE! All three packs I have made are included and I will be adding more packs throughout the year, at least 10 in all for each holiday/season! Buy it low now and never have additional costs as the amount of packs included increases! It is a TERRIFIC deal!

You can find these {here} on TpT.

Just about every game has an easy game board and a more challenging one, so it works for differentiated instruction, upper K to intervention for 2nd. They all come in color and B&W!

These games have been a lifesaver, since I am slowly on the mend from having strep throat and just didn’t have the energy to do a lot of prep for math this week. My kids were SO happy to play their math games and I didn’t even have to use the guilt of having a sick teacher to get them to behave! haha
If you’d like to win the Valentine’s Day Pack of Dice Games, just leave a comment and I will choose a winner soon! It’s HUMP DAY everybody!! It’s all down hill from here!!

I love both of these packs.
I teach Investigations and I love your "spin" on the activities!!!
Super cute!
I'd love it since I do so much 1-1 and need to keep the other kids learning.
I have the Winter Dice Games, and my firsties LOVE them! They play them almost every day during math game time after they finish their independent work. I would <3 to add the Valentines version to the choices!
My class loves dice games too. These are so cute and would be a huge hit in my classroom 🙂
I would love to win these!! 🙂
Oh my my my how wonderful are these? My kiddies love to use dice. I love to let them because it's one activity that they stick with for some time.
Would love to win this!!
I love both of these packs! 😀
I would love this! My class absolutely loves dice games!
I would LOVE to win the <3 Pack of Dice Games!!! <3
I would love a copy!
My class would love these games!
I love, love, love these! What a wonderful and helpful product.
I would love it! aconnolly1216 at gmail dot com
My lils also LOVE dice games!! Oh the simple things! I would love to get these as well! Thank you for all you do and I hope you feel better soon!
Tales of a #teachernerd
You're a winner! I am emailing the pack now!
They look really cute! And I know that the kids would like them.
I've bought both the Christmas and winter editions, so I'm really hoping I'll win the Valentine edition!!
We haven't had an outdoor recess yet this week, these games are great for stir crazy Michigan first graders.
Love it! So cute!
I'm just starting guided math and these would be PERFECT for my high kinders. I love your products!
I would LOVE to use this with my firsties!!!
Your dice games seem easy to prep and teach. I would love to win and use with my first graders.
I would love to win these!
Oh these games look awesome! I love how you created different versions to differentiate for your kiddos! A great resource for centers and to use when a substitute is needed! I think these would be great to send home for extra practice too!
Love dice games!
These would be so fun for my first graders! They would love them!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
My class loves dice games as well, and these look so cute!!
Both these packs look great! Thanks for the chance to win!
Swinging Through Second Grade
We love dice games! Crossing my fingers!
Wow! These are amazing! I'm hoping for a big win!
CUTE and FUN dice game; no prep=SWEET Deal! Hoping to win!! Thanks for the chance to win!
You are on a roll here with your great ideas!! I would love to "dice" up my math centers with your unit! 🙂
Wow! Would love to win!
These look fun! I would love to win. 🙂 Thank you!
Love that you have different levels of play. I would love to win a set!
tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com
Looks like fun. My kids LOVE dice games!!! Carol
These look great!
look great!
My class LOVES dice games!
These look wonderful:) My 1st graders would love to play these games to learn!
These would be a great addition to my classroom!
Wow, these look great! I could use these all year long with my kids.
Looks great! Would love this for my class! Pick me! Pick me!
These look great! My kids love dice games!
These look awesome!! My kiddos love the winter pack that I have. Would love to add this to my collection!
oh these look so fun..I love easy to do math and no prep…
Hopefully you didn't pick a winner yet! My kinder kids love dice games!
Love you blog! I'm just getting started with my own. Follow me here:
My class loves loves loves dice games! I wold love to win!
I have been looking for some new games for my high K math group. This would be perfect!!
Jennifer I just LOVED your No Math Prep Packet! I totally feel is was worth the money. Also, your 100th day goodies look fabulous as well. Looks like I need to make a purchase on this baby too. I just love your ideas and creativity. Thanks for sharing.
One Fab Teacher
I love the idea of keeping the dice in a little plastic container so they don't end up on the floor! I love this blog hop. I am a kinder-teacher-wanna-be! You all have the very best ideas about everything! And even though I teach high school, I learn SO much from reading your blogs! THANKS for the bloghop!