Ants Close Read {Giveaway}

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I’ve had one of those weekends where I find myself sorta “over” being an adult.  I am wishing my biggest worry and responsibility was doing my homework and whether I can get by not cleaning my room.  Since when did I become the person responsible for EVERYTHING?  When did I grow up?  
I’m just over it.
But, I guess I AM an adultā€¦and I am responsible. 
So between mowing grass with a push mower, insurance adjusters and quotes for our tree removal and storm damage, birthday parties, prep and planning for next week, I also managed to complete my Ants Close Read {here}.

I added it to the Close Read Bundle #1 {here}ā€¦so if you purchased that bundle, you can go and download it again to get the new pack.  For those of you that also bought Bundle #2, I appreciate your patience and I should be adding the first pack to it next weekend =)
To go along with my ant close read, why not try out First Grade Parade’s “Hey, Little Ant” Activity, which we did this week and my kids LOVED!
 Even my Jack liked itā€¦look what a great job he did:
Let’s all have a great week and try to be ok with the fact that we are adults!
Leave a comment if you’d like a chance to win my Ants Close Read =)


  1. I feel your pain! I would like to have no responsibility but…I am an adult so that will not happen. I would love to win your close reading activities.

  2. Would love this packet! Last year we used your Hey, Little Ant printables and combined the writing activity with labeling and science! The kids loved learning about their new friends!

  3. I would love to win this! I love your non-fiction close reads. They look amazing! I also read " Hey, Little Ant" to my students. It is a great book to use to teach opinion writing. šŸ™‚

    1. I am "diving" into "close reads" this year! Last year my kindergarteners completed your "Hey, Little Ant" activity for opinion writing and LOVED it! I would LOVE your "close reading" ANT pack to go along with it. Have a great start to your year, and I am also "tired of being an adult" this week! Starting school is HARD WORK!

  4. Would love to get my hands on this and see how . We're just starting to dive into close reads and our district doesn't give us any resources. šŸ™ The book and unit look great! šŸ™‚

  5. I would love to try out one of your close reads… this ant one looks fabulous!! I'm a public school teacher who just started homeschooling a Kinder and 2nd grader. I love finding things that I can do with them at the same time… your close reads might be a great fit for us! šŸ™‚

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