100th Day of School Ideas
100th Day of School Ideas
100th Day of School Ideas, you can never have too many! Our 100th Day of School is January 31st. I can’t believe how time flies and how every year my kids think school’s out after 100 days. I keep trying to tell them we have 80 more days to go after those 100! One of my favorite bulletin boards is the one below. I use the 100th Day bags from Really Good Stuff to send home with a letter asking parents to fill it with 100 items. You can find my 100th Day pack HERE on TpT!
I also send home a letter to parents asking for donations. Wile they are at PE, I take handfuls of each snack and place them into baggies, all mixed up. Kids work during our special snack to fill a 100’s chart. Once filled, they put the snacks back into the baggy and feast! No, this is NOT the only way you can enjoy your 100th Day snack, it’s just the way I do it =) . If you would like a copy of the letter, it’s your lucky day! Find it HERE.
There is also a letter to parents about the 100th day bags shown above. You can find it HERE.
I wear my 100th Day shirt that I got from Zoey’s Attic.
Another idea is this one from My Heart Belongs in Kindergarten where the students collect sets of 100 in bottles!
The printables I use are from my 100th Day pack on TpT. Here are some pictures:
Another great idea is from First Grade WOW, it’s a freebie! . Will you finish the sucker after 100 licks? Color a square for each lick.
I also love this idea that’s a freebie from Around the Kampfire:
Finally I will leave you with this simple and sweet idea I’ve done for headbands in the past.

Find my 100th Day Fun Pack HERE on TpT.
You can find more information about the craft below HERE!

I am excited about trying this great idea with my PreK class. It will be a challenge that I am willing to take on.
Hi! Would it be possible for you to share the letter you send home regarding the “This is What 100 Looks Like” bags? I just ordered the bags you suggested from Really Good Stuff and am very excited to get this project up and running! Thank you for sharing your ideas!!! 🙂
I added the link to the post, just above the picture =)
Hi! Would it be possible for you to share your parent letter regarding the “This is What 100 Looks Like” bags? I just ordered the bags you recommended from Really Good Stuff and am very excited to get this project underway! Thank you for sharing your ideas!!! 🙂
I added one to the post =)
Could you please tell me what font you used for your bulletin board?
You can find the letters here:
Hope that helps!
I do not see the bags on the link you shared for Really Good Stuff. Is it possible you could reshare where you found those? Thanks 🙂
They were discontinued =(
Darn, they were cute! Thank you!!