Yes, I am posting another linky party!

Please forgive me, but I am trying to get caught up with all the linky parties I want to join in on!
This one is brought to us by Tammy from
It’s all about the Resolutions for the coming year!
Here are my resolutions:
1. Start my diet….again (I’m thinking this is just a standing resolution!)
2.  Model the behavior I want my kids to have….
get away from the mentality of “do what I say, not what I do”
3.  Spend time with my hubby…quality time,not just errands and chores.
4.  To be less critical and more appreciative.
1. Concentrate and work towards being better prepared and not waiting until the last minute.
2.  Do a better job with Science and Social Studies.
1. Share freebies as much as I can
2.  Continue to make friends in the blogging community and try to always comment 
(and say thank you!) when I get a freebie from someone!
So there you have it, my New Year’s Resolutions


  1. Hey Jennifer! You have so many wonderful resolutions! I have been working on commenting more too and speaking of that, thanks for the the sweet words on my blog! I hope you are enjoying your week 🙂

  2. OH EM GEE! your resolutions are almost exactly the same as mine! How cool is that?! Even your post title sounds like something I would say. I will definitely be linking up tomorrow as I've already posted today…:D


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