We GoNoodle, Do You?

Have you heard about GoNoodle?
Of course you have…it’s been shared on blogs all over the place (and for good reason!)
But just in case you haven’t, or still don’t know what it’s all about….let me fill you in!
GoNoodle is a website where you can sign up for a free account and use Brain Breaks for your students.  I use the calming brain breaks for after PE when we are all a little wild and need to calm down and FOCUS!   It’s also great at the end of the day when we all just need some quiet fun.

I love the motivating/energizing brain breaks for Fridays when we are in the middle of all our testing and need to get the wiggles out, wake up, and get motivated!  Movement energizes and allows students to focus…it’s a great way to transition between activities.

My kids love them, they get so excited when it is time to have a “break.”  On a personal note, my son, Jack is a kid who needs LOTS of breaks throughout the day and this has been perfect for him when we are trying to power through his homework!  Jack struggles with focusing and GoNoodle helps him to get energized and re-focus.  So GoNoodle isn’t just for classroom use, I use it at home and I think it would be great for homeschooling folks, too! =)

Here are the Facts:

It’s FREE!
It’s easy to use! 
GoNoodle has a variety of Brain Breaks available for energizing or calming students!
Great for transitions!
It helps kids FOCUS!
It’s research based!
It can motivate students and improve student performance!

Sounds awesome, right?  Well, it is!!
Click {here} or the picture below and sign up for free!  Try it out and let me know what you think.  You and your students will be so glad that you did!


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