Father’s Day FREEBIE
Father’s Day FREEBIE
Mother’s Day is such a huge thing for us in first grade with our Mother’s Day Tea that it’s easy to forget that Father’s Day is important, too! Everyone will love this Father’s Day FREEBIE! But first, check out the Father’s Day Directed Drawing HERE ON TpT!
Father’s Day often gets overlooked because we are out usually of school. But I try to do these directed drawings before we get out. The dads are always appreciative! Moms love them, too!
Get your “It’s All About Dad” Father’s Day FREEBIE {HERE} It also includes the same pages for Grandpa, too! We can’t leave dad and Grandpa out, can we? They deserve a holiday of their own, too!

I’ve been super busy getting ready to move classrooms and a bunch of other changes. PLUS I am prepping for my session at the TpT Conference in Las Vegas this summer. It can be hard to fit it all in. I am busy with school, being a mom, and TpT! How can we do it sll?
Message me in case you’re interested! Leave some feedback or a comment below and let me know what you do to keep balance in your life! Want more freebies? Click Here. I hope you love this Father’s Day FREEBIE!
I can't wait!!!!!