Favorite Back to School Activity


Favorite Back to School Activity

Fun in First Grade is having a linky party about our favorite Back to School Activity.Ā  Of course, the first thing I do is take a picture of each child. Then we do the pages (under my freebies) about how did they get to school, a self portrait..etc.Ā  But I also read “Sam’s Sandwich”…by David Pelham.Ā 

Ā Here is a review:

Anyway, it is a hilarious book about a naughty little brother, Sam, who adds “things” (gross) to the sandwich he “kindly” is making his sister, Samantha (one of a series of funny books). They are styled so that the kids have to guess what he has put in there by the rhyme.. Then you fold it out- and there it is!Ā  At the end it makes a big sandwich!Ā 

There is a rhythm to the book and the kids *love* it!Ā  I heard it for the first time from my college reading teacher (she’d bring a children’s book each time we met for class) I’ve read it so many timesĀ  I know it by heart (first day of every year I have taught..)Ā  It sort of breaks the ice and lets the kids know they shouldn’t be scared…that I can be fun =)Ā  They remember it all year…repeatedly beg to hear it again and again….no matter what the age!
Here is a little Freebie I created just in case you get or have the book.


Here is the bulletin board again that I did one year (with third grade).


  1. Thanks so much for sharing! I too learned about Sam's Sandwich from a college instructor. I have read the book to my own children and they love it. Thanks to this post I plan to share the book at school with my at-risk learners! My copy is getting a little worn and I feared that it would no longer be in print. Thanks again for the freebie!

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog and it is awesome! Can you tell me where your freebies are located? I meet my new first graders come back August 8th and would love some new first day of school activites. Thanks!

  3. This book sounds wonderful!!! Any idea of where to buy it? I found it on amazon but it is $22 plus shipping. It says it is a "board book," so I am wondering if that is why it is so expensive. I would love to find it cheaper so any ideas are welcome!!! šŸ™‚ Thanks! šŸ™‚

    1. I think it is probably out of print =( although it was pretty expensive when I first bought it around 1995 ($12 or soā€¦for a children's book, that was pretty expensive way back thenā€¦lol) It has fold out pages and stuff which is why it was on the higher end =)

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