Thinking Thumbs, an Award, and Nouns (oh, and a freebie, too!)

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My this has been a busy week!  My kids are working on blends…and the dreaded “th” which is giving us some major trouble, especially my ELL students…  “th” keeps sounding like “f”,  so as we keep working on it (practice makes perfect, right???) I came up with a fun little thing for my kids to create: ‘Thinking Thumbs’ and I am *hopeful* that it will help them to remember the sound for th!  
I just let them decorate the cut outs and then I added tape to hold them together around their thumb.
Here are a couple of pics of our thinking thumbs!

To get your copy, click below!
 We are also working on nouns and here is a chart we did where my kids got a post-it note and wrote a noun of their choice…then added it to either person, place, or thing.  They loved it!
 Just in case you didn’t know about these below…they are shower curtain rings (found at Walmart or Target) which are perfect for hanging charts below you board (if you have a rack)
 And in other exciting news, my blog was nominated for the 
Circle of Moms Top 25 Teacher Mom Blogs!
If you aren’t familiar with the site, it is an awesome resource for all things mom/child related!
If you get a chance, please click the button below or the one over to the right side of my blog
to vote for me!  While you are there, check out the fabulous site.  You can vote for your favorite blog once a day until November 8th


  1. A trick I learned in a recent training is to show students how differently your mouth looks when you make the f sound and when you make the th sound. When you make the f sound, you kind of bite your lip a little. When you make the th sound, you kind of stick out your tongue. I joke with my students that it's the only time that it's okay to stick their tongue out at me. Thanks for the free printable! ๐Ÿ™‚

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