Alabama Blogger Meet Up!! Uncategorized Everyone is welcome!! It is at 11:00 and if you haven’t emailed me yet, please do so that I can add you to the number when I call to get a table =) If you have already emailed me, thank you! Hope to see you all there!!! You May Also LikeBlend Friends Update5 for FridayWe GoNoodle, Do You?The New Kid
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!! Please place a napkin at a seat for me and refer to it as Reagan. I wish I could come so much. Take pictures!!! Reply
Oh man! How far of a drive is it from South Florida to Alabama… Have so much fun!DeniseSunny Days In Second Grade Reply
I just got your message. Haven't blogged in a while. Going to visit my grandmother this weekend who isn't doing well. Have fun! Wish I could be there! jessica@jessicalindsey.com Reply
how fun! 🙂
The Teachers’ Cauldron
Do you have a lot of people coming?
Our Sweet Success
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!! Please place a napkin at a seat for me and refer to it as Reagan. I wish I could come so much. Take pictures!!!
Oh man! How far of a drive is it from South Florida to Alabama…
Have so much fun!
Sunny Days In Second Grade
Too bad I am in CA, or I would be there!
Apples and ABC's
Can't wait to meet everyone!!
I just got your message. Haven't blogged in a while. Going to visit my grandmother this weekend who isn't doing well. Have fun! Wish I could be there!