End of the Year Activities
End of the Year Activities to help make the ending not so sad! I want to focus on the positives, which include students making great memories and being ready to go to third grade! The main way I do that is by filling our last weeks with fun activities that also keep us entertained and not so crazy. Here are some of my favorites, some new, some old.
Beach Day

This is the first year for me to try Beach Day and it did not disappoint. First I had parents and friends donate inflatables (I asked on FB) and of course I couldn’t resist buying some from Target (they were on sale!) and Temu had some cute ones as well (if you don’t mind the shipping wait). All in all we had about 15 floats…of course, a portion of those were small ones from Dollar Tree, but the kids loved them just as much as the big ones. Kids could bring one, too! What’s a fun day without special snack?

Now let me be transparent, I have NEVER been the person that is good at blowing up inflatables at the beach. That’s why I purchased the most amazing device! It is a mini portable air pump. You can see it HERE on Amazon!

End of the year gifts: we used permanent markers to autograph beach balls!
Memory Books
Being new to second grade, I needed to update my end of the year memory books. This new book was fun and easy to complete. You can use as many or as few of the pages as will work for your class, you can even add work from the year to the end of the book. There are a variety of covers to choose from, giving you a lot of flexibility and choice. Students can choose their own cover, or you can. See the MEMORY BOOK HERE on TpT!

Glow Day

This is an activity I have done for the last 4 years and it is a HIT every time, no matter how much or little I do! My advice if you are just starting? Begin simple, get a couple of glow lights and create a lot of the decor yourself with neon bright paper. Purchase a cheap pack of highlighters and reuse them! Then each year, add to your supplies. Amazon has so many great options! Here is my list if you’d like check it out!

I hope you have enjoyed all these End of the Year Activities!
Board and Craft
And how could I forget the cutest craft and bulletin end of the year board ever? It includes ALL grade Pre-K to 5th grade! see it HERE in TpT or in my shop (link above)